The Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group (SWG) from South Eastern Europe in cooperation with German International Cooperation (GIZ) was organizing study tour/exposure visit on “Successful examples of LAGs and LEADER in the area of Austria and Italy” for junior level representatives from the relevant public authorities, experts from civil society and experts from ABDA regions dealing with LAGs and LEADER approach.
The visit will took place in Austria and Italy in the period 14th – 19th of May 2017. The objective of the visit was transfer of Austrian and Italian experience regarding the implementation of LEADER approach, institutional setup, coordination among the relevant authorities, link between the civil and public sector etc. The study tour was promote successful models of mutual understanding and cooperation among the stakeholders, regional actions implemented in function and project visits related to LEADER in the area.
Logistic Info_LEADER visit Official_List of Participants_Exposure visit on LEADER short
Detail about program and impressions coming soon