NAGE – Networking and Advocacy for Green Economy


Project name: Networking and Advocacy for Green Economy – NAGE

Duration: 11 April 2018 – 10 April 2021

Overall objective: to provide support to enhance the policy and decision-making impact of Balkan rural development network (BRDN) and its constituents, through involvement in the agricultural and rural program and policy reform processes for introduction of the green economy concept

Target groups and beneficiaries: BRDN, national rural development networks, local and national authorities and policy decision-makers, academic community, grassroots CSOs


Specific objectives (outcomes-Oc):

Oc1: Strengthening of the grassroots’ CSOs capacities in generic work, advocacy and networking, to be able to sustain their role of agricultural and rural reform advocates, in transparent and accountable way;

Oc2: Introduction of the concept of green economy as unique cross-cutting entrepreneurial model for rural diversification and sustainability;

Oc3: BRDN and its constituents use evidence-based policy development and rights-based advocacy to foster the national EU CAP approximation processes and promote green economy.

Expected specific project results (outputs-Op):

OpA – Developed and demonstrated transparent, efficient and effective project implementation, through prompt and effective delivery of the planned activities and expected results

OpB – Transparent and intensive dissemination of knowledge and information to the target groups and other project stakeholders; raised awareness among the general audiences of the Action’s overall and specific objectives through tailored media visibility actions

Op1.1: Strengthened CSOs institutional capacities in internal governance, planning, financial management and funding diversification, and reporting

Op1.2: Increased grassroots capacities in program-specific themes – lobbying and advocacy, research and analysis, networking and constituent’s empowerment, climate change and environment protection and green economy/green entrepreneurship

Op2.1: Organized stakeholder and public awareness raising and sensitization campaign on the importance of the cross-cutting and green economy issue to the overall sustainability and rural development potential

Op2.2: Designed and implemented transparent sub-granting program that will encourage rural and agricultural CSO diversification towards social and green entrepreneurship, as way to open pathway towards green economy, while also ensuring CSO sustainability

Op3.1: Initiated comprehensive and CSO participatory policy development process through identification of the gaps of the national agricultural and rural development programs to the CAP 2013-2020 and analysis of the impact to the natural environment and sustainable development process

Op3.2: Defined and promoted evidence-based policy solutions that support reform of the national rural and agricultural programs towards environmental protection and promote introduction of the green economy concept.

Partners: (1) Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia (Lead applicant); (2) Rural Development Network of Serbia; (3) Rural Development Network of Albania; (4)Rural Development Network of Croatia ; (5) Rural Development Network of Bosnia and Herzegovina; (6) Rural Development Network of Kosovo; (7) Rural Development Network of Montenegro

Financing: European Commission, Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2016-2017 – Consolidating Regional Thematic Networks of Civil Society Organisations.

In Jahorina concluded the 18th Agricultural Policy Forum (APF) for Southeastern Europe

APF 2018 gathered more than 160 relevant stakeholders who shared views on agricultural and rural development policies in the Western Balkans and provided policy recommendations for improving the current situation


APF 2018, “Agricultural Policy: Determinant of the Regional Rural Development and EU Perspectives of the SEE”, was held in Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina on 16 – 18 October 2018. It was organized by the Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group (SWG) in SEE in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It gathered more than 160 representatives of relevant public authorities, civil and private sector, from 15 countries of the SEE region and abroad.

details on link forward 

Rural development policy forum of SEE countries 2018

“Diversification of economic activities in the rural areas and role of CSO in supporting
diversification”, which will be held in Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina (hotel Vučko), on 16, 17 and 18 October 2018. The RDPF 2018 is organized by the network of civil society organisations the Balkan Rural Development Network and Development Foundation of Turkey. The RDPF will be organised on 16th October, and 17th and 18th participants of RDPF will have opportunity to participate in the Agricultural Policy Forum (APF) 2018 “Agricultural Policy: Determinant of the Regional Rural Development and EU
Perspectives of SEE” organised by the Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group (SWG) in SEE.
The Rural Development Policy Forum of South Eastern Europe countries 2018 will serve as a platform for dialogue on perspectives of diversification economic activities in rural areas of SEE countries and also  will provide possibility for dialogue between all relevant stakeholders. It will address the need for   cooperation of the stakeholders relevant for rural development and also creation stimulative policy in the Western Balkans and increasing potentials for development of rural areas. Policy recommendations related to the diversification economic activities in rural areas in the region will also be part of the Rural
Development Policy Forum of South Eastern Europe 2017. Finally, participant of RDPF 2018 will have opportunity to participate on plenary session of Agricultural Policy Forum (APF) 2018, with possibility to contribute to Policy recommendations.

Represents of pLAG Srem+ on Forum will be

Gospava Kalaba – Associate Srem Film, and  project coordinator of project funding by ALTER sub-granting program

Dragan Saboljov – Rural Center Owl

Andjelkovic Tatjana – Klaster Sveti Dimitrije 

Evropski vikend posmatranja ptica na Zasavici

 Ruralni centar Sova i Pokret gorana iz Sremske Mitrovice  ce tokom vikenda 6.-7.10.2018 godine organizuju Evropski vikend  posmatranja ptica u Specijalom Rezervatu Zasavica.  Cilj Evropskog vikenda posmatranja ptica od samog nastanka je ukazivanje na potrebu zaštitu ptica selica, očuvanje njihovih staništa, mesta na kojima se odmaraju tokom sobe i mesta na kojima zimuju.  Toga dana posetioci izleta imaju priliku da se upoznaju sa migratonrnim vrstama, lokalitetom i od iskusnih vodiča saznaju više o potrebama ptica.

            „Ove godine proslavljase se  veliki jubilej, četvrt veka posmatranja čudesne seobe ptica u okviru Evropskog vikenda posmatranja ptica. Za 25 godina je više od 1.180.000 učesnika, na skoro 40.000 događaja, posmatralo skoro 73.000.000 jedinki ptica,, su podaci iz Društva za zaštitu i proučavanje ptica Srbije,

            Evropski vikend posmatranja ptice  se organizuje u sa radnji sa Društvom za zaštitu  i lokalnim partnerima na 15 lokacija širom Srbije koji organizuju tokom vikenda 22 izleta. Za detalje o izletima idite na link

            Pozivamo Vas da nam se pridužite , uživate u lepom danu u prirodi, upoznate se sa aktivnostima Rezervata i Ruralnog centra Sova, saznate nešto novo u pticama, migracijama, praćenjem vrsta i staništa, njihovoj zaštiti, opasnostima i faktorima ugrožavanja ptica i staništa.




Planirane aktivnosti za Zasavicu 6.10.2018

vodiči  Marko Cvijanović i Mihajlo Stanković

            9.00 – 10.00            časova           Dolazak učesnika u rezervat izmedju

            10.00 – 10.15         časova           Obraćanje medijima

            10.15 – 10.30 časova                   Upoznavanje učesnika sa Rezervatom           

            10.30 – 13.00 časova                   Obilazak pašnjaka Valjevac – upozavanje ptica pašnjaka

            13.00 – 14.00 časova                   Vožnja brodom neobavezna

            14.00 – 15.00 časova                   Obilazak šumskih ekostema Rezervata

            15.00 – 17.00 časova                   Indiviudualne aktivnosti učesnika u Rezervatu

Planirane aktivosti za 7.10.2018

Vodići Marko Ščiban i Slobodan Knežević

            9.00 – 10.00            časova                       postavljanje ornitološke mreže

            10.00 – 17.00         časova                       prstenovanje ptica, pešačke ture i vožnja brodom i čamcima uz voodiče


Za detaljnije informacije o izletu možete dobiti na

kontakt Marko Cvijanović   064 30 62 833  

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