Europe rural parliament

The “European Rural Parliament” will be held from 4 to 6 November 2015 in Schärding, Upper Austria. Attached we publish the most important documents for all attendees and those who are interested in our Event.

We would like to draw your attention to and ask your assistance in gaining the involvement of rural people across Europe in our event next week. We are doing this in 2 ways:
Firstly by Live Streaming the plenary sessions so anyone can watch the proceedings.
Secondly by use of Twitter and Facebook, to enable people to share their thoughts about the issues under discussion.
Please could you help us to circulate by email, on your websites, to your Twitter Followers etc. the following important links:

Our Twitter:     #EuRuralParl
Our Facebook:

Live Streaming links:

5 Nov. Opening Session 9.00-11.00:
6 Nov. Plenary Session #1 9.00-11.00:
6 Nov. Plenary Session #2 14.00-17.00:

Represent of  Rural Center Owl  – president Marko Cvijanovic will represent our organization and potential LAG Srem +.

we are waiting  photos, news and information from event.

Marko have a nice time and make connections.




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